Out-of-the-box type support

As discussed in Printing user-defined types via reflection, struct, class, enum, and enum class are all supported via macros.

In addition to user defined types, most types provided by the language are automatically supported. All builtin types are supported, as well as many from the standard library.

Supported standard library types


In addition to const char *, Hippo supports std::string via "hippo/std/string.h".


Support for all containers is available:

  • std::array via "hippo/std/array.h"

  • std::vector via "hippo/std/vector.h"

  • std::list via "hippo/std/list.h"

  • std::forward_list via "hippo/std/forward_list.h"

  • std::deque via "hippo/std/deque.h"

  • std::set and std::multiset via "hippo/std/set.h"

  • std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset via "hippo/std/unordered_set.h"

  • std::map and std::multimap via "hippo/std/map.h"

  • std::unordered_map and std::unordered_multimap via "hippo/std/unordered_map.h"

All containers can be formatted with the format configuration of the inner type(s). Map types can be formatted with:

using hippo::map_format = std::pair<typename hippo::printer<Key>::format_type, typename hippo::printer<Value>::format_type>

Format for map types.


Both std::pair and std::tuple are supported, by "hippo/std/utility.h" and "hippo/std/tuple.h", respectively.

They can be formatted with:

using hippo::pair_format = std::pair<typename hippo::printer<First>::format_type, typename hippo::printer<Second>::format_type>

Format for std::pair

using hippo::tuple_format = std::tuple<typename hippo::printer<T>::format_type...>

Format for std::tuple

Smart pointers

In addition to plain pointers, std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, and std::weak_ptr are supported via "hippo/std/memory.h". These types are all formattable by hippo::pointer_format.

Sum types

std::optional is supported via "hippo/std/optional.h" and is formattable with the inner type’s format configuration. std::variant is supported via "hippo/std/variant.h" and is formattable with:

using hippo::variant_format = std::tuple<typename hippo::printer<T>::format_type...>


std::chrono::duration is supported via "hippo/std/chrono.h" and is formattable with the inner type’s format configuration.


std::complex is supported via "hippo/std/complex.h" and is formattable with the inner type’s format configuration.


std::atomic is supported via "hippo/std/atomic.h" and is formattable with the inner type’s format configuration.


std::bitset is supported via "hippo/std/bitset.h" and is not formattable.